I haven't blog in a little bit and boy do I have alot to catch you up on. Johnny and I have had some good news recently and then we had a lil episode of bad news. Good news first as always..Johnnys Uncle is moving to Pikeville and said that we could stay in his house..so that takes care of the finding a place to live on Elkhorn Creek. Johnny and I have always loved his house and its a blessing to be able to stay in it. Bad news..about a week ago Johnnys dad was having chest pains but refused to go to the hospital (typical male haha). This Saturday night.. same thing he was having bad chest pains again. This time we was able to talk him into going to the hospital. The doctor concluded that he had a massive attack.. they then ran more test. It turns out that his heart muscle is damaged, his veins are diseased and his arteries are blocked. So they tell us they have scheduled him for open heart surgery and that he will be in ICU for the remainder of his visit. Of course by now we are all shocked and can't believe what is happening. But back to the good news.. Johnny is doing wonderful..he is a trooper that is for sure. They was able to get 4 bypass in. They said if he watched his diabetes and cholesterol he should be good. And if you all know Johnny you know that he was in wonderful spirits the whole time. Laughing and cutting up the whole time. He is such a blessed man. I have prayed to God more these last few days then I have in a while. I am so glad that he is doing good..he has a wonderful family and you always know who is really there for you in times like these.Well I have talked your leg off so I will go for now. Til next time....