So, Johnny and I are headed to Dallas, Texas tomorrow to watch the Dallas Cowboy play the Eagles. Please Pray that we have a safe trip! Many pictures are coming your way as soon as we get back! Til next time
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Good News
So, if you haven't figured it out by now.... I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNT! I couldn't be more excited. Here is a pic of the mommy and daddy:

Aren't they the cutest! They are going to be the best parents ever...and never doubt this child won't be spoiled rotten. This may give you an idea,here is what the baby's daddy bought it right after finding out:

More to come on the will be hearing about alot about this new lil angel! Til next time
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
It's Fall

It's that time of year again, where turkey's, naps with the blanket pulled up over your head, football and family come to mind. Its also that time when you sit down and think of how much you truly are blessed and what your thankful for. So here is what I am thankful for:
1. I am thankful for my parents, without them I am not sure where I would be right now. They stepped up and became parents again when they didn't have to. They have put up with my smart mouth, my rude attitude, my terrible teens, and got me to where I am today. Thanks guys, I love you to the moon and back.
2. I am thankful for my sisters:
Mimi- we don't get to talk much but you mean more to me then you think. I will never forget as a child wanting to be just like you. Looking forward to making a bed on the floor using couch cushion, "cruisin in Elkhorn" with the music turned up, going bowling, spending the weeks with you in the summer. Your awesome I love you
Jazz- Oh Lord, where I do I begin with you. I will never find a friendship that means more to me as yours. We have made so many memories that I wouldn't trade in for the world. I am not fully myself without you here with me, but I seem to make the best out of everyday. I couldn't begin to list the memories we have made and the ones yet to come. I love you most hun!
3. I am thankful for my wonderful husband, you have showed me a kind of love that I didn't know existed before you. You never fail to put a smile on my face, and I couldn't thank you enough for that. I can't wait to spend forever with you! I love you more than you could ever imagine.
4. I am thankful for my in-laws, Fonda, Johnny and Britt have welcomed me into their family with open arms and I love them for that. I can always depend on them.
5. I am thankful for my job, even though I complain about it alot lol but in a economic depression like we are having, I am very blessed to have a job where I love the work and the ppl that I work with.
I am thankful for so many things but this blog is already crazy long so I better end it.. Hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. Til next time.....
Monday, September 28, 2009
Football Weekend

So, as you all read on Thursday and Friday..we went to Louisville this weekend to visit Jazz and JohnMark. I am only going to touch on the UK game briefly. Didn't go as well as we would have liked it to...of course! lol! Tim Tebow got hit pretty hard in the third much as we dislike him because he plays for the wrong team.. Johnny and I do pray that he is well and will be back and ready to play for the Gators soon. The football game wasn't the only fun to be had this weekend. Johnny and I have missed Jazz and John SSSSOO much..and it was so good to just spend some time with them. We started the weekend off by driving down Friday night...the rain was horrible but we got there...went to Jazz and John.. had some hotdogs and fries, laughed , and got caught up .. and then hit the hay for the night. Saturday morning we hit the mall and shopped around, Casual Male, Hobby Lobby (which I loved).. I could go broke in there. After a long day of shopping we was was hard decision between " Applebees" (that was for you Jazz HAHAHA) and O'Charley's. Of course O'Charleys ended up being our food of choice. After a nice meal and some good laughs we headed back this time it was game time. Jazz and I made some sausage balls and went and cheered our teams on. Over all... Awesome weekend and I can't wait to see them again VERY soon.

Friday, September 25, 2009
ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am headed to Louisville to see my bestest friend in the whole wide world. Also known as my little sister. She moved to Louisville a few months and I have missed her more then anyone will ever know. I have been dying to go down and see her but haven't had the chance..but I made time and made money.. I have to see her! She has a great weekend planned...the zoo if the rains stays away(Johnny has never been to a zoo in all his 24 years)..watching the FL game together..and just spending time with them. I can't wait to get there. I get off work at 5 and then Johnny and I am heading out. Everyone Pray for us while we are on the road!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Gators are a Croc!

So, anyone who follows UK Football knows that this Saturday is the UK vs. FL game. This game is especially fun for my family. Johnny and I are HUGE UK fans and my crazy lil sister and her husband are FL fans. So this game is always interesting. We always try to watch the games its live or in the comfort of our living room. This weekend Johnny and I are traveling to Louisville to spend the weekend with Jazz and John and of course catch the game. As you can imgaine there is alot of food to be ate, trashing talk , and names to be called.. but more then anything LOADS of fun! Can't wait to see how the game turns out...C-A-T-S CATS CATS CATS!!!!!!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
What do you think????

So, this weekend I have been redoing my bathroom. The picture above is something like what I am shooting for. I painted the bathroom green and I was looking for some accents. I went to walmart and bought all wood for the bath towel holder,toilet seat and all accessories. I was then looking online for a accent color..and I came across this. what do you think? I am thinking of putting a small table beside the sink to hold a purple flower arrangement and a set of candles..other then far as towels and such will be tan..the other color. Not to good at decorating so figured I could use some feed back (Jazz this means u). Any ideas?
Until the next time....
Saturday, September 5, 2009
This is for Jazz!

Here you go Jazz a whole post to answer your question!
We all experience stress from time to time. When stress gets to be too much, it can take a toll on our health and wellbeing. That's why effective stress relievers are essential in restoring inner peace and physical health. Here is a growing list of stress relievers that can help you feel less affected by stress in your life.
1. Guided Imagery
2. Self-Hypnosis
3. Autogenics
4. Journaling
5. Meditation
6. PMR
7. Yoga
8. Breathing
9. Playing Games
10. Sex
11. Laughter
12. Biofeedback
13. Music Therapy
14. Take a Walk
15. Plant a Garden
16. Time Management
17. Listen To Music
18. Eat a Balanced Diet
19. Learn Assertive Communication Skills
20. Enjoy Aromatherapy
21. Reduce Caffeine Intake
22. Drink in Moderation
23. Don’t Procrastinate
24. Drink Green Tea
25. Sign Up For The Free Weekly Newsletter For Ongoing Stress Relief Support!.
Try these and let me know! love you
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Alot to take in

I haven't blog in a little bit and boy do I have alot to catch you up on. Johnny and I have had some good news recently and then we had a lil episode of bad news. Good news first as always..Johnnys Uncle is moving to Pikeville and said that we could stay in his that takes care of the finding a place to live on Elkhorn Creek. Johnny and I have always loved his house and its a blessing to be able to stay in it. Bad news..about a week ago Johnnys dad was having chest pains but refused to go to the hospital (typical male haha). This Saturday night.. same thing he was having bad chest pains again. This time we was able to talk him into going to the hospital. The doctor concluded that he had a massive attack.. they then ran more test. It turns out that his heart muscle is damaged, his veins are diseased and his arteries are blocked. So they tell us they have scheduled him for open heart surgery and that he will be in ICU for the remainder of his visit. Of course by now we are all shocked and can't believe what is happening. But back to the good news.. Johnny is doing wonderful..he is a trooper that is for sure. They was able to get 4 bypass in. They said if he watched his diabetes and cholesterol he should be good. And if you all know Johnny you know that he was in wonderful spirits the whole time. Laughing and cutting up the whole time. He is such a blessed man. I have prayed to God more these last few days then I have in a while. I am so glad that he is doing good..he has a wonderful family and you always know who is really there for you in times like these.Well I have talked your leg off so I will go for now. Til next time....
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
So , yesterday I wrote a post stressing about Tenn. Situation avoided..we aren't moving. After sitting down and thinking seriously on the subject..weighing the pros and cons.. Johnny and I decided that we want to end up in Tenn eventually, but right now wasn't the time. What made us come to this decision you ask. Well, we both have awesome jobs and to walk away from that in a economic crisis and go somewhere we aren't promised jobs is...well stupid. But just one minute..u didn't think I was done did you (apparently me and Johnny was in a decision making mode yesterday). As most you know Johnny's dad isn't well and my mom isn't either... so the thought of being farther away from them also put a damper on the Tenn. deal. So we have decided to go back to square one.. where all this got started and get a place on Elkhorn Creek..close to family and where we are truly at home. So that is where we stand right now.. I am not making any promises that the plans will stay that way... if you know me and Johnny you know that we change our minds ALOT! Stay tuned...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

So, I am being jumped on to for not blogging (I won't mention any names) and I figured I better get back to it. Problem, writers block. So I will dish some of my latest thoughts. Tenessee, as you know we are moving to Tenn in Sept. and I am so excited and scared to death. I have never lived anywhere besides Pike County and I am nervous. I get so excited when I think about the move, the new experiences, the new ppl, the new job opportunities, I wanna go back to school. And then my excitement is overwhelmed by being so far away from my family.. I know what your thinking, its just two hours but I just can't even explain how attached and dependent I am. Being even farther away from my sister/best friend. I can't even find time to go visit her now..whats the odds when I am 2 hours farther away! Getting started is terrifying...finding a job..a place to live..a new bank where no one knows me. I know these are small details but I am still so worried. But I have been a worrier all my life and it has stopped me from doing so much.. so I have decided to put all that behind me and go with it. If I get out there and don't like it I will come home screaming and crying to my daddy lol jk! But on a good note I am so excited about getting back to school.. I am a college drop out after 4 years.. I know crazy right.. so I am getting back in the groove. I want to make those 4 years that I already have worth something. I am going to go back and finish my elem. education degree. Well I have talked your ear off.. sounds like I have writers block huh lol! Til next time.
Friday, June 19, 2009
10 Item Wishlist
I got this idea from a friends blog. This is a great idea for a short thoughtless blog. so here goes...
1.A dress you'd like to wear:
OMG! I am loving this dress.. very simple and totally in my price range. I do need to work on the Tan before purchasing or even thinking about wearing the dress.

2.An interior you'd like to live in:
I love modern bedrooms and I would love to have one. Unfortunatly I am not skilled enough in decorating or have the money to transform my bedroom. But I can enjoy looking and dreaming.

3.Something you'd like to serve at your next party:
Okay so if you know me...u know that I LOVE red velvet cake. So, I would love to learn how to make one.. and treat the guest to my next party with a delicious piece of cake.

4.A piece of furniture you'd really like to have:
You guys are going to think I am crazy because Johnny sure did. I love this living room suite. I seen at Big Sandy Super Store told Johnny I wanted it. We went and looked at it and he said there was no way it was coming in his living room.. he hated it. I think its so pretty and modern. Oh well...see what you think.

5.A place you'd like to be right now:
This Picture is self explanitory

6.An accessory you'd like to wear:
I don't go anywheres without silver hoops.. LOVE THEM!

7.A piece of furniture/something for the home you think should never have been invented:
Shag Carpet...need I say more

8.A home you'd like to live in:
I love this home..except for all the purple in the yard.. I could live without that.

9.Something random you'd like to buy:
I would love to have a boat.

10.A way you'd like to relax:
There is nothing like taking a hot bath to relax.. I LOVE to bath!
1.A dress you'd like to wear:
OMG! I am loving this dress.. very simple and totally in my price range. I do need to work on the Tan before purchasing or even thinking about wearing the dress.

2.An interior you'd like to live in:
I love modern bedrooms and I would love to have one. Unfortunatly I am not skilled enough in decorating or have the money to transform my bedroom. But I can enjoy looking and dreaming.

3.Something you'd like to serve at your next party:
Okay so if you know me...u know that I LOVE red velvet cake. So, I would love to learn how to make one.. and treat the guest to my next party with a delicious piece of cake.

4.A piece of furniture you'd really like to have:
You guys are going to think I am crazy because Johnny sure did. I love this living room suite. I seen at Big Sandy Super Store told Johnny I wanted it. We went and looked at it and he said there was no way it was coming in his living room.. he hated it. I think its so pretty and modern. Oh well...see what you think.

5.A place you'd like to be right now:
This Picture is self explanitory

6.An accessory you'd like to wear:
I don't go anywheres without silver hoops.. LOVE THEM!

7.A piece of furniture/something for the home you think should never have been invented:
Shag Carpet...need I say more

8.A home you'd like to live in:
I love this home..except for all the purple in the yard.. I could live without that.

9.Something random you'd like to buy:
I would love to have a boat.

10.A way you'd like to relax:
There is nothing like taking a hot bath to relax.. I LOVE to bath!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
3 years and Counting....

I can't believe we became husband & wife 3 years ago. Our wedding was so beautiful, so perfect. It was everything I dreamed about.You were everything I dreamed about. I love instead of just saying you love me.. you show me daily in little things that you do, that you love me.
Even though there are a million things that I love about Johnny.. I thought it would be cute on my Anniversary post to tell you Ten things that I love about him.
1) He’s got my back. Always. This is sssoooo important to me. I know that Johnny is 100% behind me, always. He is always there for me, and always takes my side. He is my true partner in crime haha!
2) I trust him completely. For all the important things in life, I trust him completely. I know he always has my best interests at heart.
3) He’s funny! In any situation he can put a smile on my face and I just love that.
4) He is beautiful inside and out. His heart is just as huge as those big beautiful blue eyes he has.
5) He loves my parents. This is HUGE for me. I could never be with someone who didn’t love and respect my parents. They mean the world to me. And I am so blessed they my parents and him get along so well.
6) He is a hard worker. He works many long hours to make sure that we are took care of. He carries alot on his shoulders and wouldn't dare give me any of the weight to help out.
7) He loves kids. He is going to be a GREAT father to our future kids. That takes alot off my mind. A good daddy is hard to find these days and I know that he will be the best.
8) He puts up with me! I know that I am not the easiest person to live with but he manages. I love him for always putting up with my bad moods, my stressing over things I can't help, and my constant worrying.
9) We are opposite enough to make things different. Life would be so boring if we was carbon copies of each other.
10) The little things he says and does. He goes out of his way to make me feel special 24/7. Its the little things that mean so much to me!
I could go on forever but I better stop for now. Happy Anniversary baby! I love you more!

Friday, May 29, 2009
Two Very Special People

So I guess you are wondering about the pictures huh ( Jazz, yes I did copy ur idea a lil but it was such a good one). First and foremost you guys are awesome and mean more to me then you will ever know.
Johnny- For some reason, I find it difficult to express my love in words. I love you so much that words just are not within my reach. You are the man of my dreams. The one I run to when I am scared, the one I cry to when I am sad, and the one that never fails to put a smile on my face. I stop and think about all the memories we've made, the good times we've shared and the love between us that keeps growing. You are not only my husband, but my best friend and soul mate.I thank you for all the things that you've done for me. I love you, Baby ... more than words, more than life. I'm forever grateful for your love and I am so glad that I have you to call my husband. <3
Jazz- Geez I don't know where to start. Almost all of my life we've had one another. We've laughed together, cried together, yelled at one another, and got mad for no good reason. I feel as the older sister , I should share my life's lessons with you but I struggle to come up with something original. You are so much older then your age..and many life lessons that I would share with you.. you know already. I have all the faith in the world that you will do nothing but succeed. You are so smart, and have so many dreams. If anyone can reach all their goals and make all their dreams come to its you. I am so blessed to have you in my life and to call you my little sister! I love you More!!!! <3
Okay so enough with the mushy stuff. Its Friday and I can't wait to go home and have another wonderful weekend. I hope that everyone has a safe and blessed weekend.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
So after working on my blog template for hours I figured it was time to make my first post (but about what?). I keep searching subjects in my head..and for some reason nothing is coming to mind. I go on the hunt to read other peoples first blogs. My sister talks about her love for her husband and watching him sleep. My other friends talk of their kids. I am still drawing a blank. This blogging thing isn't as easy as I thought it was going to be. I was never a girl to keep a diary or journal,that would have helped I am sure. So lets see what is going on in my life. I am thinking of going back to school, I am not sure for what though. I was thinking finishing my Elementary Education degree but no local jobs are available in the teaching field. I also thought about maybe accounting... but then again , where would I get a job with that? I actually love my job that I have now and oddly enough enjoy everyone that I work with, so I am in no rush to figure out what I wanna be when I grow up. Other then the thoughts of going back to school, the only other thing on my mind right now, is my 3rd Anniversary coming up on June 3rd. I am thinking a weekend away.. but who know what Johnny has planned. We will see and that will give me a good blog post right? My Anniversary weekend away! More to come
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