1.A dress you'd like to wear:
OMG! I am loving this dress.. very simple and totally in my price range. I do need to work on the Tan before purchasing or even thinking about wearing the dress.

2.An interior you'd like to live in:
I love modern bedrooms and I would love to have one. Unfortunatly I am not skilled enough in decorating or have the money to transform my bedroom. But I can enjoy looking and dreaming.

3.Something you'd like to serve at your next party:
Okay so if you know me...u know that I LOVE red velvet cake. So, I would love to learn how to make one.. and treat the guest to my next party with a delicious piece of cake.

4.A piece of furniture you'd really like to have:
You guys are going to think I am crazy because Johnny sure did. I love this living room suite. I seen at Big Sandy Super Store told Johnny I wanted it. We went and looked at it and he said there was no way it was coming in his living room.. he hated it. I think its so pretty and modern. Oh well...see what you think.

5.A place you'd like to be right now:
This Picture is self explanitory

6.An accessory you'd like to wear:
I don't go anywheres without silver hoops.. LOVE THEM!

7.A piece of furniture/something for the home you think should never have been invented:
Shag Carpet...need I say more

8.A home you'd like to live in:
I love this home..except for all the purple in the yard.. I could live without that.

9.Something random you'd like to buy:
I would love to have a boat.

10.A way you'd like to relax:
There is nothing like taking a hot bath to relax.. I LOVE to bath!

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