I can't believe we became husband & wife 3 years ago. Our wedding was so beautiful, so perfect. It was everything I dreamed about.You were everything I dreamed about. I love instead of just saying you love me.. you show me daily in little things that you do, that you love me.
Even though there are a million things that I love about Johnny.. I thought it would be cute on my Anniversary post to tell you Ten things that I love about him.
1) He’s got my back. Always. This is sssoooo important to me. I know that Johnny is 100% behind me, always. He is always there for me, and always takes my side. He is my true partner in crime haha!
2) I trust him completely. For all the important things in life, I trust him completely. I know he always has my best interests at heart.
3) He’s funny! In any situation he can put a smile on my face and I just love that.
4) He is beautiful inside and out. His heart is just as huge as those big beautiful blue eyes he has.
5) He loves my parents. This is HUGE for me. I could never be with someone who didn’t love and respect my parents. They mean the world to me. And I am so blessed they my parents and him get along so well.
6) He is a hard worker. He works many long hours to make sure that we are took care of. He carries alot on his shoulders and wouldn't dare give me any of the weight to help out.
7) He loves kids. He is going to be a GREAT father to our future kids. That takes alot off my mind. A good daddy is hard to find these days and I know that he will be the best.
8) He puts up with me! I know that I am not the easiest person to live with but he manages. I love him for always putting up with my bad moods, my stressing over things I can't help, and my constant worrying.
9) We are opposite enough to make things different. Life would be so boring if we was carbon copies of each other.
10) The little things he says and does. He goes out of his way to make me feel special 24/7. Its the little things that mean so much to me!
I could go on forever but I better stop for now. Happy Anniversary baby! I love you more!

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